Joint KMM-VIN / ViCEM / ESB cross-disciplinary workshop

22. September 2022
on "Biomedical and bioinspired materials and structures: a cross-disciplinary approach"

combining the 9th KMM-VIN Industrial Workshop, the Biennial ViCEM Meeting, and the Austrian Chapter Meeting of ESB

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The joint workshop was held at TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology), on September 22-23, 2022.

This workshop was the ninth in the series of industrially oriented workshops organized by KMM-VIN in collaboration with leading research centres and industries. In order to broaden the effect of the event, this time, KMM-VIN joined forces with ViCEM, the cooperation center linking engineering with the biomedical world; and with the Austrian Chapter of the European Society of Biomechanics, which encourages, on a general level, research, disseminate knowledge and promote progress in Biomechanics.

Keynote Speakers

Stéphane AVRIL (École des Mines de Saint-Étienne, France)
Tomasz LIPNIACKI (IPPT PAN, Warsaw, Poland)
Andreas MENZEL (TU Dortmund University, Germany)
Jon MOLINA-ALDAREGUIA (IMDEA Materials, Madrid, Spain)
Francesco MOSCATO (Medical University of Vienna, Austria)

Workshop Chairs

Christian HELLMICH  (TU Wien, Austria)
Andrés DÍAZ LANTADA (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain)
Dieter PAHR (Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences & TU Wien, Austria)
Siegfried TRATTNIG (Medical University of Vienna, Austria)